Want to lose weight in January?

You know how it goes. You overeat during the holidays and when January rolls around, cleaning up your eating and losing weight is on the TOP on your New Year’s resolution list.

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone! Year after year, I see women come into my office in January, excited to begin their weight loss journeys and clean up their bodies. But there is a problem with this strategy…

You see, if you are a person that has struggled with weight loss before, or you tend to yo-yo up and down, then the time to prepare to lose weight in January is now.

I know, I know….I am not talking about depriving yourself during the holidays. However to get you where you really want to be in the new year, there are some steps we need to take first, and those steps take some prep time.

So the time to prepare for weight loss in 2019 is actually NOW.

Watch this video to see what I mean!


Stressed about the holidays? WATCH THIS!


Struggling with your New Year’s resolutions?