The Support You Need

You Are Designed for Healing

If you’re not experiencing the health you desire, the love you yearn for, or a life you truly love, something is standing in your way. Deep within you lies a wisdom that knows the path forward, but accessing it can feel overwhelming—sometimes even impossible.

The tools of Body Stress Analysis help us tap into the innate intelligence of your being, allowing us to listen to the messages your body is sending.

You and your body are extraordinary. By combining the innate wisdom of your system with the insights from functional lab testing, we can uncover and remove the barriers causing your system stress and holding you back. Your body, mind, and heart already hold the answers—they know how to heal.

Together, we'll identify hidden areas of stress on your system and design a custom program to decrease that stress, allowing your innate intelligence to do what it knows how to do—heal. This journey is about rediscovering your true self, freeing yourself from the weight of the past, and unleashing your fullest potential to create a life you love.

If you’re ready to explore your true potential and see what’s possible, let’s connect.

Take the first step and begin your life-changing journey today.

Body Stress Analysis

Body Stress Analysis combines non-invasive techniques into a unique system designed to identify areas of stress and support your body’s natural healing process.

When the overall stress on your system decreases, the extraordinary healing abilities of your cells and tissues are activated, allowing your body to restore balance and vitality.

This clinically proven approach draws from thousands of years of Chinese medicine combined with modern lab testing, offering a healing experience that’s unlike anything you’ve encountered.

The combination of Intuitive Body Scanning and lab testing is so precise that it can unlock safe and lasting recovery—even in cases where other methods have fallen short.

Sustainable Diet

The foundation for health is created through the choices we make every day. What we eat—and, more importantly, the quality of what we eat—is essential to creating a solid foundation for health and wellness. This is why it’s required that every client read Dr. Cari’s book The Food Solution. “Through years of experience, I have learned that when good nutrition principles are applied, a body heals faster and more thoroughly than when they are not.” You’ll then be supported in one-on-one sessions to gradually implement those changes at a pace that is comfortable and easy for you.

Lifestyle Modification

Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Clinical experience has taught us that what we do and the choices we make on a daily basis affect our health more than anything else. So, when looking to change how you feel, it’s necessary to assess and alter some of the choices you’re making. The first step is to identify the choices and habits that are negatively affecting your health. Next, we guide you step by step in making different choices that will support optimal healing. Your plan is completely individualized on a gradient determined by your personality type. Through this process, you learn not only the lifestyle habits that are most negatively affecting you, but more importantly you’re supported in developing new habits that will promote health now and contribute to you staying healthy and vibrant for a lifetime.

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a gentle approach to finding and releasing unresolved—what I call “Outdated Survival Programming”—stored within your nervous system. When experiences of fear, anger, grief, low self-esteem, shame, etc. are unresolved, they can get “stuck” in your nervous system causing neurological imbalances. NET uses a simple methodology to identify and remove stored programs that are having a negative effect on not only your physical health, but also on your ability to obtain the life of your dreams. It can improve and even resolve many physical and behavioral conditions such as headaches, body pains, organ dysfunctions, phobias, general anxiety, self-sabotaging behaviors, and so much more. In our experience, with NET as part of the Body Stress Analysis System, profound, life-altering, positive transformation and healing occur.

Functional Lab Tests

Functional Lab tests are ordered for you on a case by case basis. If your most recent lab tests have been within the last year, then those tests are used whenever possible. Please bring a copy for us to keep. Following is a list of the most common tests used. For chronic problems additional test may be requested.

  • Comprehensive blood tests $135-$175 (average)

  • Comprehensive stool panel $380-$430

  • Salivary adrenal panel $160-$210

  • Female salivary hormone panels $120-$450

  • Male salivary hormone panel $150-$225

Virtual Intuitive Body Scanning

With a career-long background in using and teaching muscle testing, Intuitive Body Scanning was a natural progression. By incorporating Intuitive Body Scanning into our virtual sessions, we gain an additional tool to help identify what’s causing stress to your system, even while working remotely. Decreasing the overall stress on your system is vital for your healing. Lab tests are helpful, but they do not allow us to track your progress in real time. Body Scanning allows us to assess how your system is progressing, determine if your current supplement routine is optimal, and identify any necessary changes to facilitate your healing. It’s the key to making this system so effective in improving not just your physical health, but your overall wellbeing on all levels.

“I met Cari four years ago and this visit changed my life forever. In the beginning, Cari and I were working on my digestive issues, but after awhile I discovered so many areas that we were targeting with our work. Cari is a beautiful human, caring, loving, very knowledgable and versatile practitioner, and one of my go-to health practitioners in town. I cannot express how grateful I am to have met her.”


Questions before getting started?

Schedule your free 20-minute consultation.