I can’t believe I did this!

Recently I did something that took a LOT of courage. Honestly, I still can’t believe I did it!

I wrote a song, recorded it, AND performed it – yes, in front of people!!

This was huge for me. I’m not a singer, and I’ve never written a song before. In fact, I wouldn’t even sing “Happy Birthday” to my friends because I couldn’t hit the high notes!

But when I heard about a 6-month program by the Brothers Koren called “The Songwriters Journey,” I immediately burst into tears. I knew this was my body’s way of telling me it was important, so I decided to sign up.

It was such a big edge for me. I almost backed out like 20,000 times!

Then I realized: I was afraid to be messy. I was afraid to suck at something. And this program shifted everything for me.

Watch the video to hear about my journey:

I’ll be returning soon with my hormone video series, so stay tuned for that!

I also wanted to let you know that I’m going to be part of Sheree Clark’s amazing online event called “The Magnificent Midlife Woman.”If you’ve been struggling through perimenopause or wondering how to get rid of your wrinkles, this event is perfect for you – there will be tons of great interviews and resources for women over 40. It starts January 15th, and you can sign up for free HERE. Hope you can join me!

Wishing you a blessed holiday season,


Your hormones & fertility years


Xenoestrogens: Everything you need to know