Musings on life, love + health…

I’ve missed you! (Hormone video series)

Please forgive my absence! I’ve been a busy lady these past couple of months. I traveled to Australia for a Mediherb speakers conference, then headed to Niagra Falls for a Joe Dispenza Advanced Meditation retreat. In the midst of all this, I’ve been getting my new...

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3 Signs That You Have a Blood Sugar Issue

I was chronically tired for over 20 years. There were days when I literally couldn’t get out of bed. It wasn’t until I discovered the importance of blood sugar regulation that EVERYTHING changed for me, and I was able to recover my long-lost energy. In this video, I...

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Coconut oil is poisonous…WHAT?

A recent article came out saying that coconut oil is “poisonous” and dangerous to your health…but is it reallybad for our health? The answer is, yes. And no. It completely depends on the type of coconut oil. Watch the video below to learn which oils are...

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I can’t believe I said this!

In the 18 years that I’ve worked with people, I’ve realized that one thing that plays a bigger role in our health than anything else. In this video, I explain what this #1 contributor to health is. You’ll also chuckle at how I answered a client question...

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I have exciting news!

For years I’ve been a licensed acupuncturist…who doesn’t actually practice acupuncture! Now I finally have a title that truly reflects the work I do. I created this short video to share my exciting news! I’m so honored to be a part of your...

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Stressed about the holidays? WATCH THIS!

If you’re feeling stressed about the upcoming holidays, please know you’re not alone! I know how easy it is to get caught up in the swirl of the season, which is why I’ve created this video for you with my top holiday tips. In this video, you’ll learn:* How...

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Want to lose weight in January?

You know how it goes. You overeat during the holidays and when January rolls around, cleaning up your eating and losing weight is on the TOP on your New Year’s resolution list. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone! Year after year, I see women come into my office...

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Struggling with your New Year’s resolutions?

Happy 2019! How has the new year been for you so far? I’m checking in because it’s February, that time of year when our New Year’s resolutions begin to wane…even the ones we were so excited about! It can be easy to feel disillusioned, and to give up on the dreams we...

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Causes & Symptoms of SIBO

I’m back to talk about SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth), a health issue that SO many of my patients are dealing with. You can go HERE if you missed last week’s intro video! Today I explain exactly what SIBO is, I dive into the symptoms (some of...

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Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM

Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM

Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM is a healthcare expert, provider, and lecturer on health and nutrition. Cari holds a Doctor’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is licensed as a primary care provider of Chinese medicine by the California Medical Board. She is a nationally certified herbalist, a 3rd level certified N.E.T. practitioner, a certified Nutrition Response Technique practitioner, and a certified yoga instructor.

For over 20 years, Cari has helped thousands of people identify and remove the barriers blocking them from feeling their best.

At age 32, Cari had to overcome her own health crisis. Challenged to walk three blocks due to extreme fatigue, in constant pain, and depressed, she learned firsthand the limitations that poor health creates.

Cari has combined all that she has learned through her training and her personal health journey and created Body Stress Analysis, the system she uses to help others obtain a solid foundation of high quality health.

Cari shares what she has learned with others through one-on-one clinical care, in group programs, public speaking, radio appearances, and by teaching and mentoring other healthcare practitioners. She is the author of the #1 bestselling book The Food Solution which demonstrates how the choices we make everyday can make the difference between a vibrant, success-filled life and a life fraught with ill health and other challenges.

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The Secrets to Succeed at The 21-Day Diet Detox

by Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM

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