Musings on life, love + health…

How Emotions Affect SIBO

I’m back to talk about SIBO and how we can diagnose and treat this common (and often uncomfortable) digestive issue. *You can go HERE if you missed the last video on causes & symptoms of SIBO. In today’s video, I explain: * How to get tested if you...

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Why Fad Diets Don’t Work…

There are bookstore shelves lined with books about different types of life-changing diets. One claims the cause of weight gain is carbohydrates. If you avoid carbs and eat only animal products and vegetables, you will never gain weight! Another claims the root of all...

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Reach Your Optimal Weight

Are you ready to get off the diet roller coaster?Identify what’s blocking your success. Anyone who has ever had a weight issue knows that to lose, gain or maintain optimal weight can feel like a confusing and hopeless battle. You can do “everything” right and manage...

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Good digestion is the foundation upon which every other aspect of health is built. Digestion is the most important element for good health. It is the foundation upon which every other aspect of health is built. We can eat the most nutritious, balanced diet, but with...

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Children’s Nutrition

For optimal growth and development a child needs many things. Love, food, water, and air are among the basics that contribute to a child’s well being and most parents want only the best for their children. In the 13 years that I have worked with parents to improve the...

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Barriers To Healing

Not feeling your best? You may have barriers blocking your healing without even knowing … Do you crave sugar, salt or other foods? Are you unable to lose those extra pounds? Have you experienced symptoms that have not resolved in more than a few weeks? Do you know you...

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Are You Eating C.R.A.P.?

Have you seen the powerful documentary “Super Size Me?” In it, Morgan Spurlock spent one month eating only fast food, three meals a day. Before the month was up, he had completely changed his health for the worse, gaining 24 pounds, raising his cholesterol by 65...

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My #1 Nutrition Recommendation

My #1 Nutrition Recommendation

If we want to be successful in life, if we want to live out our dreams, good health is essential. To maintain good health, we MUST have a solid foundation of nutrition. To understand nutrition, we need to understand the evolutionary shift that our planet is undergoing...

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Meet my best friend, Marla!

You may be wondering why I’m taking the time to introduce you to my best friend. While it may be interesting, it’s so much more than that! In my many years of working with people to heal their bodies, I’ve seen over and over again that when we’re subconsciously...

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Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM

Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM

Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM is a healthcare expert, provider, and lecturer on health and nutrition. Cari holds a Doctor’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is licensed as a primary care provider of Chinese medicine by the California Medical Board. She is a nationally certified herbalist, a 3rd level certified N.E.T. practitioner, a certified Nutrition Response Technique practitioner, and a certified yoga instructor.

For over 20 years, Cari has helped thousands of people identify and remove the barriers blocking them from feeling their best.

At age 32, Cari had to overcome her own health crisis. Challenged to walk three blocks due to extreme fatigue, in constant pain, and depressed, she learned firsthand the limitations that poor health creates.

Cari has combined all that she has learned through her training and her personal health journey and created Body Stress Analysis, the system she uses to help others obtain a solid foundation of high quality health.

Cari shares what she has learned with others through one-on-one clinical care, in group programs, public speaking, radio appearances, and by teaching and mentoring other healthcare practitioners. She is the author of the #1 bestselling book The Food Solution which demonstrates how the choices we make everyday can make the difference between a vibrant, success-filled life and a life fraught with ill health and other challenges.

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The Secrets to Succeed at The 21-Day Diet Detox

by Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM

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