Musings on life, love + health…

If you want to be healthy, you MUST do this.

If you’re feeling sick, tired, or if you feel like your body is aging, you may be suspecting that some changes are needed. If this sounds like you and you’re ready to start feeling better, I encourage you to watch the video below where I share what you MUST do if you...

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Your SIBO questions answered!

I’ve gotten some great questions since putting out my SIBO video series!(You can check out my Youtube channel HERE if you haven’t had a chance to watch them.) A few people were wondering about the migrating motor complex (MMC) and how it relates to SIBO. In...

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She gave up gluten and retired her therapist

Several years ago, I had a patient who was struggling with her moods. She would often talk about her bouts with depression, anger, and anxiety. While we were working together, I took part in a seminar on gluten intolerance, and learned that gluten could cause...

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Why it’s selfish to neglect ourselves

I want you to learn from my journey and the choices I made. I missed A LOT in my life because I didn’t take care of myself. Because I was too sick to show up for those I loved. I want more for you. In this video, I explain why it’s actually selfish to NOT take care of...

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Tired of being too sensitive?

Are you a “Sensitive” Person? Do you have food intolerances? Are you bothered by chemicals? If so, you want to read this! There is a phenomenon happening that you may not be aware of, and yet you may be one of the people affected by it: Large numbers of people are...

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How Food Lowers Our Vibration

Did you know that everything has a vibration? I know this may sound “woo-woo” but it really isn’t…it’s basic physics. Literally EVERYTHING has a vibration, which determines what something looks and feels like. A desk, for example, has one vibration, while a human has...

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3 simple steps for improving digestion

You are what you eat…but only if you digest it! In other words, good digestion creates good health; poor digestion creates poor health. You can eat the BEST quality food in just the right proportion and balance, but if your digestive tract is not functioning properly,...

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Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM

Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM

Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM is a healthcare expert, provider, and lecturer on health and nutrition. Cari holds a Doctor’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is licensed as a primary care provider of Chinese medicine by the California Medical Board. She is a nationally certified herbalist, a 3rd level certified N.E.T. practitioner, a certified Nutrition Response Technique practitioner, and a certified yoga instructor.

For over 20 years, Cari has helped thousands of people identify and remove the barriers blocking them from feeling their best.

At age 32, Cari had to overcome her own health crisis. Challenged to walk three blocks due to extreme fatigue, in constant pain, and depressed, she learned firsthand the limitations that poor health creates.

Cari has combined all that she has learned through her training and her personal health journey and created Body Stress Analysis, the system she uses to help others obtain a solid foundation of high quality health.

Cari shares what she has learned with others through one-on-one clinical care, in group programs, public speaking, radio appearances, and by teaching and mentoring other healthcare practitioners. She is the author of the #1 bestselling book The Food Solution which demonstrates how the choices we make everyday can make the difference between a vibrant, success-filled life and a life fraught with ill health and other challenges.

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The Secrets to Succeed at The 21-Day Diet Detox

by Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM

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