The Superpowers of Menopause

I know the coronavirus is first and foremost on everyone’s mind, and I want you to know I’m here and will continue to update you as needed. I hope you are doing well and taking good care of yourself. If you find yourself with some extra time at home and are going...

Feeling challenged during perimenopause?

I know you’re all concerned about the coronavirus, and I’ll keep updating you on that as needed. If you missed my email yesterday on what I’ve learned about the coronavirus and how I can support you during this time, be sure to check it out HERE. Today we’re...

The Coronavirus: How to protect yourself!

Every day we’re hearing about the coronavirus in the news, and I know many of you are concerned. I’m here to reassure you and let you know what you can do to protect yourself. The reason the coronavirus is such a scare is that it’s a new strain and therefore an...