Want a Quick Tip for a Happier You?

As the temperature drops and the amount of daylight declines, it’s typical for our moods to follow suit. Let’s be proactive and make the most of this beautiful season! In a recent article, researchers have uncovered some simple yet powerful everyday habits...

What’s Your Stress Forecast?

Your body is amazing! It is programmed for survival. It is designed to heal and flourish, but often there are obstacles that prevent this natural process. And stress is a major one. You’ve likely heard me talk about stress and the negative impacts it has on your...

Want to Have a Great Holiday Season? Do This!

With holiday gatherings, the opportunity to indulge in sweets and festive cocktails will soon surround us. Having some special treats that remind you of years gone past can be a beautiful experience. Your favorite pumpkin pie or those special cookies your grandmother...