Want to Have a Great Holiday Season? Do This!

With holiday gatherings, the opportunity to indulge in sweets and festive cocktails will soon surround us. Having some special treats that remind you of years gone past can be a beautiful experience. Your favorite pumpkin pie or those special cookies your grandmother...

The Menopause Effect on Your Interests

Notice that your interests are changing? Maybe you are finding yourself less patient with doing the things you used to do. If so, then don’t despair! This is normal and healthy as you transition into your next role. Are you curious about how menopause can impact...

Want to Unlock Inner Peace?

What comes to mind when you hear the word mindfulness? Maybe it conjures up images of meditation and sitting still. Maybe you thought about yoga. And yes, those activities are great to help cultivate mindfulness. But it’s really much simpler than that....

Before You Take That Sip…

There’s something important you should know before taking that next sip… Drinking water has so many health benefits. After all, water makes up the majority of your body weight and is involved in many important functions like flushing out waste, regulating your...